Kimud Shoal

Malapascua, Cebu

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Dive Kimud Shoal

Shoal Reef

Kimud Shoal is a sunken island. The top of the island lies at 12-16m, and the steep sides drop off to 200m+. Its main attraction is the school of up to 200 hammerheads, which can usually be seen regularly between December and May, and occasionally through the rest of the year.

Hammerheads are more often seen in ones and twos but around April is the best time to catch them in full schooling glory.

Hammerhead shark, Malapascua Kimud is near to Monad Shoal and in the same trench so we often see thresher sharks, mantas and devil rays. Turtles are occasional visitors. The top of the island has a lot of hard coral, and many excellent hiding spots for moray eels. The sides are covered in soft coral growth. Many species of shrimp can be found among the corals and several species of unusual nudibranchs. The east side is especially interesting for its rock formations and overhangs. Because of the drop off, at any point on the island there is the chance of seeing other pelagics such as sharks, rays and tuna.

Reviews (1)

Bryan Yeung February 5th, 2012 - 21:37:
Will come again. 1st dive Kimud at 4:30am, 2nd dive Monad at 7:30am.

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