Thresher Shark Divers

Thresher Shark Divers

Malapascua, Cebu

Score: 87/100
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Malapascua Island is famous as the only place in the world where thresher sharks can be seen on a daily basis.
Malapascua Island has something for all divers, so come and dive the best kept secret of the Philippines - indeed of South East Asia. The Philippines is the new Thailand, but with much better diving and without the crowds! So make your next scuba diving trip to Malapascua Island!Malapascua diving offers: the only daily thresher shark sightings in the world, whitetip sharks, mantas, hammerheads (seasonal), wrecks, mandarin fish, countless nudibranchs, pygmy seahorses, cuttlefish, beautiful unspoiled coral gardens and a huge diversity of marine life.

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More information about Thresher Shark Divers

Thresher Shark Divers is based on Bounty Beach, Malapascua Island, just off the north tip of Cebu in the Philippines. We are located in the middle of a picture perfect white sandy beach near to Cocobana Resort.

We like to keep things small so that your dive experience is as personalized as possible. You won't be packed into a huge dive shop, just one insignificant diver among many. We keep groups as small as we can, usually no more than 4 per group. In addition, we try to be flexible and will do our best to accommodate the dive sites YOU want to go to. We will go diving even if it is just you on the boat

  • Thresher Shark, Malapascua Island by Kelvin Aitken

    Thresher Shark, Malapascua Island by Kelvin Aitken

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This center scored 87/100
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