
Boavista, Cape Verde Islands

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Dive Catchupa

Shoal Reef Sharks Drift

Catchupa is a 13 mts dive site just 5 minutes from the base by boat. It is located just on the crossing of two currents so it is normally a drift dive. Its form is like a pot full of rocks full of fish in its interior and that is why it is called like the local food Catchupa. Our lobster sigthening record in one dive “over 60”. This dive site requires AOWD level.

  • Divers in the blue at Catchupa

    Divers in the blue at Catchupa
  • Diver at Catchupa

    Diver at Catchupa
  • Sgt major school at Catchupa

    Sgt major school at Catchupa
  • Diver at Catchupa

    Diver at Catchupa

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