North Rocks

Boavista, Cape Verde Islands

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Dive North Rocks

Big Fishes Reef

Second dive north of Sal Rei´s island.located North of the island is has a plane platform at 14 mts before entering a labirynth of rocks and colums full of surprises. It is an extended dive site with loads of possibilities. One of diver´s favourites. There are rocky formations that you can screen or just follow the small wall, wich leads to a small hole. Lie in front of it and look inside. Better than TV! Arrow crabs, lobsters, fire worms, diffrent kinds of parrot fishes, island groupers, blackspoted picarels, different morays, filefish and conger eels might be seen.

  • Rock fish at North Rocks

    Rock fish at North Rocks
  • Guinean grunt at North Rocks

    Guinean grunt at North Rocks
  • sea slug at North Rocks

    sea slug at North Rocks
  • Filefish at North Rocks

    Filefish at North Rocks
  • Nurse shark at North Rocks

    Nurse shark at North Rocks

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