Bodega de Fran

Boavista, Cape Verde Islands

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Dive Bodega de Fran

Reef Wall

This dive site is located close to the northern tip of Ilheu de Sal Rei and reached by boat within 10 minutes from RIU Karamboa. Take a look around you and see the waves splashing over the rocky edge of the island next to you, see huge cargo ships in the harbor of Sal Rei on the other side. After you roll into the water from the boat you will find a sandy bottom at around 14 metres. You will notice a lot of big rocks around you. Some of them odd shaped, some of them lying on top of each other as if a giant just recently played with them. Follow the rocks and have a look into the gaps in between them. Lobsters, crabs sometimes even turtles or small nurse sharks are hiding here. If you get closer you will even find nudibranches, fire worms, spider crabs and other macro life. Follow your guide who will take you throw a passage into a beautiful and open canyon. Let Bodega de Fran impress you with massive rock formations on one and a sloping reef on the other side. Cornet fish might join your dive, same as trigger fish, snappers and sea breams and you will definitely find goatfish along the sandy bottom. Take a close look at the canyon wall next to you, maybe you get lucky and find the well camouflaged scorpion fish or even a frog fish. As you leave the canyon a wide sandy bottom sprinkled with smaller rocks opens up. Hang there for a bit and enjoy the marine diversity before following your guide to the safety stop.

  • Burr Fish at Bodega de Fran

    Burr Fish at Bodega de Fran
  • Bodega de Fran

    Bodega de Fran
  • Bodega de Fran

    Bodega de Fran
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    Scorpion fish at Bodega de Fran
  • Bodega de Fran

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