Dive in Taormina

    Atlantis Bay Taormina, Italy

    Capo Sant Andrea reef Taormina, Italy

    Golfo di Naxos Taormina, Italy

    Grotto Azurro Taormina, Italy

    Very nice dive-thru and a cavern

    Isola Bella Taormina, Italy

    Naxos pier Taormina, Italy

    On the south side of Naxos pier is a surprisingly good dive site

    Roman Temple Taormina, Italy

    Description: Lies about 1 km to the south of Capo S. Andrea and is an easy dive for divers of all levels. The reef flat is cut away in a series of shallow bays at around 8 m. Outside, the reef drops away in a wall of buttresses and sandy gullies to a depth of about 20 m. The best diving here is doneā€¦