
Boracay, Panay

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Dive Tribird



Tribird is a plane wreck which was sunk on purpose by the Boracay Acossiation of Scuba Schools. It was sunk in February 2012 to create a new dive site. since it is very new there are not too many corals growing on the plane yet, but since it is in the middle of a reef system you have a lot of aquatic life around. On a day with nice visibility it is great for pictures, at the same time entering the wreck is quite easy and can be mastered by every advanced open water diver with a certain comfort level. after seeing the wreck you can explore the reef around where turtles,scorpion fish and sometimes octopuses gets seen.

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Reviews (1)

Florian January 24th, 2014 - 8:38:
Tribird is a nice small plane wreck. entering is easy as described above. Inside the wreck everythink was taken out to make swimming through more easy. in its upside down position it is great pictures. just to take a very close look at a plane can also be quite interesting. a lot of shrimps can be found there. since its quite deep you are limited on time, so to get a nice long dive you can swim to the reef there which is close and see what you can find there.

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