
Boracay, Panay

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Dive Balinghai

Sharks Wall

Balinghai is two walls running parallel to each other. The deep wall features sharks and tuna while the shallow wall is pockmarked by small holes which house anthias, lionfish, triggerfish, bannerfish, puffers and gobies.

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Reviews (1)

Florian January 22nd, 2014 - 5:54:
Balinghai 2 Balinghai 2, the deeper part of Balinghai goes down to a maximum of 40meters. its more reef batches then a should be a comfortable diver to visit this spot buoyancy must not be an issue to dive there. most of the time you will stay around 30meters which allows you to have a nice bottom time. nitrox is almost a most there. In Balinghai 2 its difficult to say what you will see. If you go early in the morning and you go on nitrox you have a good chance to see eagle rays, a even better chance if you have strong current. sometimes you get the eagle rays, white tip sharks and a lot of fish,sometimes you don't get to see anything.

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