Coral Garden

Boracay, Panay

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Dive Coral Garden


This dive site is right off the main beach and usually has calm and clear conditions. It is ideal for beginners and training dives. It is a popular fish-feeding area, so expect to see sergeant majors, butterflyfish and batfish crowding around. A favourite snorkelling spot.

  • clown fish

    clown fish

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Reviews (1)

Florian January 24th, 2014 - 2:54:
Coral graden is the place where you don't want to go if you have already a certification and a few dives in your logbook. In Boracay Discover Scuba Diving is very popular. There are diveshops basically just doing DSD, with big Chinese or Korean groups so it is very crowded there. The Coral are not that great there ANYMORE since the DSD has been a practice there for years. If you want an easy shallow dive go to Angol Point, which is just next to Coral Garden, but the DSD is forbidden there for big groups.

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