Langkoi Rock

Komodo, Indonesia

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Dive Langkoi Rock

Big Fishes Sharks

This site can be a real adrenalin rush at the right time. Many Sharks such as Grey reef Sharks, White tip reef Sharks, Hammerheads and Bronze Whalers aggregate around this site from July to September.
Also a potentially good place to see the resident Potato Cods at the Southern point in 30 metres of water.
This submerged pinnacle dive is located south-east of Langkoi Island.
The site is very exposed to current and sometimes to big surge. Usually a swell banks up against the pinnacle but on a calm day the site can be difficult to find. A GPS position is recommended as the pinnacle is not marked on most charts of the area. The rock rapidly plummets into very deep water.
Best diving entry is to jump in upcurrent from the pinnacle, dive straight down, hang on the wall and watch the show of fishes. This dive should not be attempted by inexperienced divers.

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