Castle Rock

Komodo, Indonesia

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Dive Castle Rock

Shoal Reef

Curious Batfishes as well as schooling Barracudas, Trevallies and Mackerels swim at 30-40m depth. At approximately 20m depth there is excellent soft Coral growth and numerous sea Fans that host Pygmy Seahorses.
The top of the rock is a good, calm place to explore during safety stops. This site usually has excellent visibility but is prone to strong currents.
The current flows mainly eastwards and is much stronger at the surface than in the deeper water.
However, the top of the rock, which is approximately 3 to 4m deep, also offers shelter from the current; hence the name "Castle Rock".
Recommended dive entry point is in blue water approximately 50m up-current from the shallowest point of the reef.

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