KT12 Wreck

Sardinia, Italy

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Dive KT12 Wreck

Deep Wreck

THE KT12 Wreck
The wreck of the german, armed cargo ship was sunken the 10th of June 1943. The torpedo fired by the british submarine Safari broke away the bow of the vessel and lies about 300 yard/meter away from the main wreck. This wreck is considered one of the most beautiful of the mediterrean sea.

  • KT12 Wreck The Cannon

    KT12 Wreck The Cannon
  • KT12 Wreck

    KT12 Wreck
  • KT12 Wreck

    KT12 Wreck

Reviews (1)

Peter November 6th, 2013 - 18:46:
Hello My name is Peter Lloyd living in the UK. I’m interested in family history and one branch of the family is though my wife Ingeborg .This has at last lead me to the wreck of KT12 on which her father Herbert Werner Feustel was serving on the fateful day of its sinking and which we have been unable to identify until the last few days .We are absolutely sure this was his ship. the outline details of the incident leading up to the sinking are shown in a letter from his commanding officer which confirms the sinking of his ship as 10.06.43 and this is ties up with the torpedoing of the ship by a the British Submarine HMS Safari on the same date Werner was one of the casualties burnt from the burning oil and he died 02.07.1943. He was originally buried Nuoro but at some point was reburied in The War Cemetery at Cagliari. Ingeborg and I are hoping to visit his grave in Sardinia in 2014 and the whole family have been fascinated by our journey of discovery. As I think we are now past the stage when we couldn’t even dream about diving we should like to thank your divers for sharing some of their images with us Kind Regards Peter and Ingeborg Lloyd

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