Kandooma Thila

South Male Atoll, Maldives

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Dive Kandooma Thila

Big Fishes Reef Sharks Drift Wall

In the middle of the Biyadhoo Kandu, at the north of Kandooma island there is this great thila, considered by many the best dive site in north male. Is a 300m long teardrop shaped thila with awesome scenery and lots of life.
The west edge of the thila is called Jack Corner and when the current is outgoing is the perfect current point. In fact the best time to do this dive site is with strong outgoing current, where barracudas, grey reef sharks, white tip shars, groupers, jacks and trevally will stay around the corner, while other fishes stay on the reef, like black snappers. Also there are eagle rays sometimes and small schools of dog toothed tuna.
Below Jack Corner there is small cave at 23m with lots of snapper and big eye trevally inside.
This is not an easy dive site, as the thila starts at 16 meters, so you need a proper negative descent to the west part of the thila, and try to not fly away to the east or you'll end in the blue. After some minutes enjoying in Jack Corner, is possible to explore bot north and south sides of the thila. Some "climbing" might be needed.

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