Embudhoo Kandu

South Male Atoll, Maldives

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Dive Embudhoo Kandu

Cave Sharks Drift Wall

The embudhoo is one of the only kandus on the east side of Vaadhoo region, therefore the currents here can be really strong. It is a protected marine area and there are many ways to dive this site depending on the current and interests of the diver.

If the current is ingoing, the south part of the channel is called "Embudhoo Express" and is a perfect 2Km drift, and the ride is awesome and really fast. If possible, is good to hold on something at the starting point (in the outside part), where the current point forms, attracting eagle rays, napoleons and other big pelagics.
On the southern point of the channel, grey reef sharks can be found and therefore is called Shark Point. On this corner there are some small caves and overhangs between 15 and 30m with snout-spot and marble grouper.
About 500m inside the channel there is a big cave between 5 and 25m with a swimthrough at 11m and is a perfect spot for ending the dive in the inside of the kandu. Inside the cave there are some octopus, big morays, angelfish and lionfish.

  • Grey Reef Shark

    Grey Reef Shark

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