HP Reef

North Male Atoll, Maldives

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Dive HP Reef

Cave Reef Sharks Drift Wall

Also known as Rainbow Reef. Is a marine protected area on the south side of Girifushi island with abundant fish life and very nice soft coral. The top reef is completelly filled of reef, caves and crevices with an outside that goes from 15 to 24m, where a large cave is located. Inside the cave there are numerous blue soft corals and a swim through called "the chimney" that goes to the top of the rock. Easy to find schools of jack and trevally, rainbow runners, barracuda and tunas. Sometimes eagle rays fly over the divers looking for plankton, and grey reef sharks are around as well. Currents here can be strong, and if the red flag is flying in the jetty means that the diving is prohibited temporarly

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