Garden of Atalaia

Algarve, Portugal

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Dive Garden of Atalaia

The eastern edge of the cliff of Atalaia, here meets the natural rock wall with the concrete pier of the port. The wall and the concrete blocks of the pier offer protection and are breeding and feeding ground of many species of marine life. At this place you can see the variety of colourful flora and fauna such as octopus, squid, Night Check, anemones, gorgonians (soft coral) and shoals of various fish species. Just outside the front door of one of our favourite places for everyone.

  • Garden of Atalaia

    Garden of Atalaia
  • Garden of Atalaia

    Garden of Atalaia
  • Garden of Atalaia

    Garden of Atalaia
  • Garden of Atalaia

    Garden of Atalaia

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