HTMS Sattakut

Mae Haad, Koh Tao

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Dive HTMS Sattakut


The vessle was intentionally sunk in June 2011 to creat an artifical reef and ofcourse a wreck dive too.  It was an amphibious assault ship of the Second World War utilized to land large numbers of infantry directly onto beaches.
48m long and 7m wide.

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Reviews (2)

Kimberly January 7th, 2014 - 1:06:
The ship its self is in good condition, but the visibility can be pretty low. Once you've been to the ship once, you've seen it all, but there is a rock formation not to far away that is pretty interesting. Its just a few yards of the front of the ship, pretty easy to find.
Antoine March 21st, 2013 - 4:03:
I dove around 40 times over and in the Wreck, awesome dive site..... :) I remember some awesome penetration, the visi can be bad with a thermoclime at 18m Excellent for wreck spec, bring your camera and be ready to dive in an awesome divesite

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