Dive in Mae Haad

Diving packages in Mae Haad

Advanced Underwater Videography Course

Welcome to the next step in Underwater Videograpy. If you would like to give your movies a professional edge then this is the course for you. Guided by one of our professional instructors you will be taught all the basics of underwater videography and go on to extend your knowledge learning about manual white balance, the 180 degree filming rule and much much more. During the course you will use a…
1 066 $ More Information

Broadcast Documentary Course

This is the ultimate course. Specifically aimed at the more experienced individual to show them how to create a Broadcast Documentary. Taking our experience with the BBC and National Geographic, we will train you in the art of conception, storyboarding, treatment, commisioning, preproduction, shot lists, narration, special effects and much much more. Lasting 4 - 6 weeks, this course will culminate…
3 138 $ More Information

Pro Level Underwater Videography Course

Quite simply if you are looking to work in the industry then this is the course for you. Being guided step by step through our basic and advanced courses you will follow on to consider filming above the water as well as below. Growing in confidence you will head out in the morning to film groups of divers and return in the afternoon to produce a movie of their day. That evening your movie will be…
1 569 $ More Information

PADI Divemaster with all new equipment included!

PADI Divemaster course prepares the diver for a professional career in the Diving Industry. In Koh Tao thailand most Divemaster trainees will go on to gain employment in the busy diving industry there. The course focuses on dive skills, leading certified divers and conducting PADI programs like the scuba review & discover scuba diving. Prerequsite qualifications to enter the program include EFR…
2 664 $ More Information

PADI Extended Underwater Videography Course

This introduction to Underwater filming, teaches you how to use your diving skills to capture great shots with one of our HD video cameras and housings. You will learn, positioning, control, shot sequencing and the fine art of capturing beautiful scenes. You will also learn the basics of video and audio editing using Adobe Premiere CC, so that you can create a showreel of your experience. Course…
Master Divers

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  • Master Divers

    Master Divers