Yal-Ku Lagoon

Akumal, Riviera Maya

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Dive Yal-Ku Lagoon

Ambiance Reef

Situated directly in front of Yal-ku Lagoon, this shallow dive site (20′-50′) is the most famous feeding site around, due to its constant flow of nutrients in and out of the lagoon. Under the extensive and climbing Elkhorn coral structures, there are various tunnels to swim through. Don’t be surprised to see more lobster here than you can count.

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Reviews (1)

Brian October 7th, 2015 - 22:59:
I have gone to Akumal for nearly 30 years and the Yal-Ku lagoon has always been one of my favorite destinations... unfortunately, things have started to change with the influx of visitors. I've typically rented Casa Del Sol right on the water, so I have lots of experience exploring the area - tons of caverns and tunnels to swim through. Lots of Parrot Fish, Tang and cichlids near the freshwater inflow. For these reasons, you should go - but as I mentioned, beware. My last visit was not the same tranquil experience with clear water - tons of people, all wearing sunscreen makes the water murky and has started to kill off some of the marine life.

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