Motorcycle Reef

Akumal, Riviera Maya

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Dive Motorcycle Reef

Wreck Reef

At the shallow end of this dive site, lying in the sand, is a 15 year old, coral overgrown motorcycle where you can always find schools of feeding fish, arrow crabs, and southern rays. This reef is laced with a large variety of soft corals, which makes it a good spot to see feeding turtles.

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Reviews (1)

Brian October 7th, 2015 - 23:06:
Another great Akumal dive - great visibility with very little current. Deep enough to stay clear after a heavy storm. The stories about the motorcycle are vast and varied - never know which one is real. Soft coral and flowing plants make this a very meditative dive - just watching the ocean roll and the marine life move with it is extraordinary. Usually a few turtles lurking around - my dive logs show only two dives without anyone at the feeding station.

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