Saco do Vidal

Bombinhas Florianopolis, Brazil

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Dive Saco do Vidal

Big Fishes Deep Wall

Very good to see big fishes like groupers. Good to deep diving too. You can see big soft corals like Elisella species and slipper lobsters.

The name of this site it's a tribute to an old lighthouse man who lived for a while on the island. Next to the Ba?a do Farol, with similar features. The depth starts at 8 meters and grows until 28 meters, next to the limit between the Saco do Vidal and the Baia do Farol. With rare biodiversity, it's the place in where some recently described fishes to the Arvoredo's marine fauna has been saw for the first time. In november and december is easy to find big rays.

  • 29345


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