Polo Beach

Bocas Del Toro, Panama

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Dive Polo Beach


An underwater labyrinth of rock passages, caverns and swimthroughs. This site gives the feeling of a well-lit cave dive, but direct access to the surface is available throughout 90% of the canyons. Coral growth (and diving) is limited in this area, due to turbid water conditions and large swell for most of the year. July-September see calmer seas, making this site accessible. When it's on, it's ON - this site looks like the set of an adventure movie. Large pelagics cruise these secluded waters, and the system of passages is packed with little nooks where giant morays, crusteaceans, and all manner of other things lie in wait. This site borders on the open sea with the continental shelf just offshore; anything could swim by.
Beware the following conditions: you can find mild surge, light currents, and it has a restricted surface access.

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