
Cornwall, England

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Dive Manacles

Deep Reef

A large reef system that includes fifty wrecks and several shallow pinnacles. Ideal for divers of all levels as you can pick your depth. Can only be dived by boat and it must be during 'slack' water otherwise the currents can be very strong.
Wrecks include Mohegan, Spyrydion Vagliano, Lady Dalhousie & HMS Primrose. Reefs include Raglans, Vase, Pen Wyn & Carn Du.
Visiblity varies depending on weather conditions.

Reviews (1)

Kiters 63 October 9th, 2011 - 18:30:
Dived there years ago, with Northampton branch13, found the HMS Primrose in 1972 lifted the Canon @ St, Keverne, also found the Spyridion,got a porthole with name scatched on glass, his grave is in church yard, good diving but now dive Salcombe with SWMAG

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