USS Illinois

South West, England

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Dive USS Illinois


The USS Illinois was a tanker (steamship) built in 1903, sunk by the German submarine UC-21 on March 18th, 1917. This is one of the best wrecks in the UK, as it lies upright and has not been broken in two. British explorer Leigh Bishop and Bob Hughes ( have explored it extensively and recovered the bell a few years after the discovery of the wreck in 1989.

Depth: 68m to seabed, 55 to decks, 50 to bridge

Length: 140m

Displacement: 5,225 tons

Location: 49o58'30.9"N 2o20'12.4"W WGS84

Exact coordinates: WGS84: 49?58.571'N,02?20.081'W (shot-line, stern)

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