Dunsborough, Western Australia

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Dive HMAS Swan


Dunsborough is home to one of the largest accessible dive wrecks in the Southern hemisphere. The former HMAS Swan, a 113 metre long decommissioned naval destroyer, was scuttled in December 1997.
The Swan has now become a popular dive site, being one of the largest ships in the southern hemisphere to be sunk as a dive wreck. Measuring 113m length, 21 meters in height and 13 meters wide, she is truly a spectacular site.
Since the sinking, an abundance of marine life has taken advantage of the Swan as their new home. Large schools of Bulls eye inhabit many rooms, with King George whiting and brim swimming around the hull. The inquisitive Samson fish gives divers an added bonus when looking around the wreck, along with blue devil fish and sweep. The list seems to be endless.
Diving tours, for novice to experienced divers, are available most months of the year, subject to weather conditions. The best time of year to dive the HMAS Swan is between the months of November to May.

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