Evil Trench

Kadavu Island, Fiji

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Dive Evil Trench

Cave Wall


Namalata Reef


Advanced Deep Dive/Cavern Dive


35mtrs +

Fish life:

Schools of Jack/Grouper

Reef Life:

Mainly Rock Formations


Extreme deep dive but amazing.Descend to 30mtrs to the trench and slip into the abyss and exit onto the sea wall where wahoo,sharks and grouper will meet you for a friendly bula.

Time From Resort:


Reviews (1)

Sergio March 2nd, 2010 - 5:00:
Evil trench is a complicated dive suitable only for experienced divers. 90% chances that you will need decompression. At the bottom of the trench, at about 50 - 53 meters there is a perfect swimthrough with a small plate. Be sure that you write your name, country and date on it!

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