Mai Dive Astrolabe Reef Resort

Mai Dive Astrolabe Reef Resort

Kadavu Island, Fiji

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MAI DIVING ENDLESS SUMMER SPECIAL - ALL YEAR ROUND the 2nd person DIVES FREE (Valid for Dive Excursion, Dive Training and Adventure Packages)!

More information about Mai Dive Astrolabe Reef Resort

Right on our doorstep, enjoy magnificent diving on the Great Astrolabe Reef, the 4th largest barrier reef in the world. We offer Dive Excursions and PADI Dive Training from our brand new custom built dive boat "ALACRITY" named after one of the Astrolabe’s amazing dive sites.

Catering for a maximum of 8 to 10 guests at any one time (yes it is easy to book the entire resort!) Mai Dive offers unrivalled personalised service. Set on 47 acres of pristine tropical Jungle, the timber bungalows are absolute beachfront with all the amenities you could desire from continuous hot water, wireless internet, and comfortable furnishings inside and out. The food is plentiful, 5 star and amazing, prepared by talented local Fijian chefs using ingredients from our very own gardens with water good enough to be bottled from our very own spring.

Have the Astrolabe to yourselves - Enjoy a true Fijian Experience - Feel like you have dropped off the side of the Earth.


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