Es Daus (Dau Petit)

Ibiza, Balearic

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Dive Es Daus (Dau Petit)


Very close to Ibiza's yacht harbour, less than 3 km to the SE, lie two small islets known as Es Daus in Catalan, 'the Dice'). The larger has a lighted buoy, while it was on the rocks of the 'Dau Petit' slightly to the south that the Don Pedro ran aground and sank in 2007.

Anchor on the E side of the Dau petit, in barely 5 metres of water, and seek a rocky formation which drops down at an angle of roughly 900, resembling a lengthy hump or mound with vertical walls falling to a depth of 30 metres. Follow this rocky wall keeping it always on your left until you come round to face in a W direction. Large rocks appear with hollows where scorpionfish and octopus find a secure refuge, while shoals of brown meagre graze with seeming indifference in the horizontal crevices of the wall.
Down at the foot of the wall are balcony-shaped hollows covered with orangey tapestries of false coral and yellow anemone, and at a depth of 16 metres you come to a small cave with a slimy floor on which noble pen shells stand erect.
We continue in the same direction and very soon come to the underwater mound, against which the hull of the Don Pedro ran aground. We make our way round this, and after doubling back pass along the channel between the mound and the Dau Petit, returning to the starting point, always keeping an eye out for shoals of rapier-like barracuda.

  • Map of Divesite

    Map of Divesite

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