Coral Garden/ Grandma's Garden

Bocas Del Toro, Panama

Ambiance Reef

Coral Garden lies on the westerly side of Isla Solarte, a 10-minute boat ride away from base. This site boasts some of the healthiest corals in the region. Freshwater runoff can severely cut visibility (usually about 10-15m) at times and pelagic life is limited here, but the healthy reef is full of macro photo opportunities and hawksbill/green turtles can be seen (infrequently) at the right time of year (late April to early June,roughly speaking). Some people know this site as Grandma’s Garden, and depths range from four to eighteen meters, making this a great snorkel destination, too.

  • photo by ••cd••

    photo by ••cd••
  • 12 Eagle rays

    12 Eagle rays
  • Fish


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Reviews (2)

Suhendra August 28th, 2013 - 21:01:
haven't been here, but sounds like a good dive site to dive to. eagle rays, nice coral reefs and a lot of fishes around it looked pretty awesome. I love traveling and diving, hopefully someday I will be in this place. ;)
Christopher January 31st, 2013 - 20:17:
Dove the garden over Christmas holiday. Unreal amount of fish and even saw 12 eagle rays. Dove with La Buga dive shop, awesome crew and place to hang out. Had Bagus Land and Sea productions video my dive there, Awesome job by Alex giving me video to show my family. They could not believe it was me and the video was top notch.

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