Brissaire Rocks

Mahe Island, Inner Islands

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Dive Brissaire Rocks

Shoal Big Fishes Reef Sharks

Great shoal with a lot of marine life: snappers, fusiliers and jack fishes, white tip reef sharks, nurse sharks, napoleons, eagle rays...

Depending on the season; some sting rays and whale sharks may be seen.

Granite formation neayby of two small granite island.

Reviews (1)

Sara May 3rd, 2013 - 0:32:
I was only able to dive this site once on a six month trip to the Seychelles but it was my favorite site by far. We saw loads of large sharks, lots of rays, and a dolphin even came and joined us for part of our dive! Finding a shop that will take you out there is the difficult part however, I suggest calling ahead and organizing it with one of the Beau Vallon shops - try Big Blue Divers. It also can't be during the stormy season, as most shops will not take you there for safety reasons.

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