Abu Galawa Soraya

Hamata, Egypt

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Dive Abu Galawa Soraya

Ambiance Wreck Reef

This reef formation is split into four pieces. One dive spot is the reef block that is situated at the north end of the reef, but the main attraction here is a 17m long wreck, which sunk in 1980s. This is the wreckage of an American sailing boat lying at 18m. The hull of the boat is synthetic so there are not a lot of corals here but still from a marine life point of view this is a treat for any diver. 

The second highlight of this dive site is the middle of the reef. It is cauldron-like, with a sandy bottom around 14m and a magnificent hard coral garden, where you have the possibility to encounter sharks, rays and huge groupers. Facing south, there is an exit from the bowl around 5m, which is filled with spectacular fire and soft corals. The maximum depth of the site is around 24m and many small coral blocks surround the reef offering up alternative places of interest. At the end you find shipwreck of a sunk yacht.

  • 19759


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