Sha'ab Maksur

Hamata, Egypt

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Dive Sha'ab Maksur

Deep Reef Drift Wall

This is a very large reef situated on a north-south axis with at least three diving spots. It is similar to Abu Kefan or Elphinstone. On the north and south side there is a large plateau with a drop-off. 
The north plateau in particular can only be dived when the sea is calm. It starts at 22m and goes down to 40m, where the drop-off starts and continues down to 90m+. The west and east sides of the reef are purely drop-off. The south plateau starts at 18m, sloping to 38m, before cascading into the blue for more than 100m. At 20m you will find two pinnacles that rise up to 6m from the surface. Their position next to the mooring point makes them perfect for your safety stop.
Both plateaus have lots of coral blocks populated with soft corals and gorgonians. The whole reef is well known for sightings of pelagics and big fish. Grey, hammerhead and white tip reef sharks are just the tip of the iceberg here. Depending on the season, you may also see mantas and whale sharks. Turtles, dolphins, napoleon wrasse, tuna and barracuda are frequent guests here.

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