Sha'ab Claudio

Hamata, Egypt

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Dive Sha'ab Claudio

Cave Reef

This is one of the most well known reefs in the Fury Shoals reef system. Sha'ab Claudio is a square-shaped reef with a south side that is full of caves close to the mooring. It's possible here to jump directly off the boat and next to the cave system. 
This is a paradise for photographers. The cave system is very light inside due to a maximum depth of just 14m. As you enter the cave, often you come face to face with a free swimming moray. Blue spotted stingrays lie on the sandy bottom. All in all, there are five different entrances / exits of various sizes and depths (5-10m). 
As you exit the cave on the west side, a beautiful hard coral garden welcomes you at 22m below. On the north side, there is a passage that splits Claudio from the next reef block. Watch out for the current here. At the end of the passage, which runs from west to east, there are large pinnacles rising from the bottom up to 6m. its is well worth spending time here. 
On the way back to the boat on the east side, a sandy bottom is home to many small and decorative coral blocks with plenty of natural cover. On the south side, you can find plentiful shoals of fish and three big napoleon wrasse and many moray eels.

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Reviews (1)

Olli October 31st, 2013 - 9:30:
One of my favourites in egypt. beautifull cavern system, shallow for long stays. nice light, great visibility, nice night dives. swarm fishes, turtles, huge napoleons, scorpionfishes, all what u like to see.

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