North Star Cruises Australia

North Star Cruises Australia

Broome, Western Australia

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Due west of the pearling port of Broome three pristine coral atolls tower vertically in 400 metres of water to create the worlds last great underwater wilderness. The Rowley Shoals offer 300 square kilometers of splendor with no significant history of exploitation - a showcase of more than 600 species of fish (including numerous species of charismatic mega-fauna such as hump-back whales, manta rays, schooling hammerhead sharks, potato cod and other large reef species) and more than 200 species of exaggerated corals. Uniquely influenced by significant tidal range, protected by marine park status and insulated from global warming by deep oceanic waters, the shoals represent perhaps the only true remaining example of undisturbed coral habitat. However, not even an inviting water temperature of 26o C and reliable 40 metre visibility has compromised the flawless nature of the Rowley Shoals; their remoteness ensures that less than 200 divers a year a fortunate enough to give testimony to their brilliance!

Not unlike the pearl divers of yesteryear, North Star Cruises Australia are also the pioneers of this exclusive and un-spoilt paradise. They have conducted adventure-cruises to the Rowley Shoals since 1987 and today you can visit the wordls last great underwater wilderness on the purpose built True North. This state-of the-art dive platform features luxury cabin accommodation & fine dining, an open deck bar, computer controlled motion stabilizers, multiple dive tenders and a dedicated dive deck complete with nitrox facilities and direct access to the water.

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