Absolute Ocean Charters

Absolute Ocean Charters

Broome, Western Australia

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Absolute Ocean Charters welcomes you to come aboard ‘Category Five’ for a fantastic day diving the turquoise waters of Broome. Take advantage of one of the fastest vessels in Broome to explore the nearby diving grounds and let us show you the best spots to view the amazing underwater world.

More information about Absolute Ocean Charters

We can provideall necessary dive equipment required. You are welcome to bring your own dive gear if you wish.

Throughout the day you can help yourself to tea, coffee, bottled water and soft drinks. We also provide snacks, sun screen and a good time!

We recommend you bring your camera, a hat and wear appropriate clothing. If you do require sea sick medication, please bring that along also.

Beginner or expert, our highly trained and very experienced staff are always on hand to help you get the most enjoyment out of your day.

‘Category Five’ is surveyed to take 20 passengers but to ensure passenger comfort and safety we take 8 people at a time. ‘Category Five’ provides a huge shaded deck for a vessel this size which allows plenty of room for all the necessary dive equipment. The powerful 310hp engines get you to the diving reefs quickly giving you maximum diving time. Electronic fish finding equipment fitted to the vessel is of the highest quality to make sure you are in the area to view the most marine life. There is a full size toilet/shower onboard, air conditioned wheel house and plenty of sitting room to relax and enjoy your day. The shower is freshwater so you can rinse off after your dive if you wish

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