The Wreck of SS "Nord"

Tasmania, Australia

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Dive The Wreck of SS "Nord"


The SS "Nord" was built in 1900. She weighed 1057 tonnes nett and measured 289.4 feet. She was a cargo ship carrying case oil when she sank on November 8th, 1915, after striking a sunken pinnacle near Hippolyte Rock. All her crew survived the wreck. The wreck is situated near a reef in 42 metres of water near Cape Pillar, a few miles from Tasman Island.

The SS "Nord" is one of Tasmania's few "intact" shipwrecks. Although the superstructure has collapsed, she still resembles a ship, the bow and stern are still reasonably intact and the rudder still moves!. The wreck has attracted a variety of fish and is covered in colorful encrusting marine life. There are still a number of artifacts to be seen on the wreck including brass fittings and Chinese crockery, but no artifacts can be removed as the wreck of the SS "Nord" is now protected.

The wreck of the SS "Nord" is a dive for experienced divers only, with a minimum of Deep Diver Specialty (or equivalent) qualification. The site is exposed to southerly and easterly weather and can be prone to currents - a minimum of 4 suitably qualified divers is required to run a charter to this site - bookings are essential. 

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