Sugarship Wreck

Perhentian Islands, Peninsular Malaysia

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Dive Sugarship Wreck


Sugar Wreck is a sunken freighter located at the west of Pulau Perhentian Kecil and resting 18m below the surface. It sank in 2000 during the monsoon period. As the name suggests, it was previously used for transporting sugar and currently, it is the house for many marine life.

Reef adaptation can be seen here as already there are corals and shells growing on the hull. Big schools of snappers, jacks and trevally circle the hulk and myriad smaller fish shelter inside. In its walls and deck, you can find many scorpion fish.

You can also see bamboo sharks and blue spotted sting rays underneath the cargo doors, located in the back side of the wreck.

It's a very easy wreck that allows easy penetration in the cargo bay. For experienced divers, penetration is also possible in the engine room, wheelhouse and cabins.

It's one of the farthest spots in the Perhentian, so many dive centers will not go if the boat is not full.

  • The Sugar ship wreck in a picture at PIR

    The Sugar ship wreck in a picture at PIR
  • sugar wreck map

    sugar wreck map
  • Sugar ship wreck from the front

    Sugar ship wreck from the front
  • Sugarwreck

  • Sugar ship is full of porcupine

    Sugar ship is full of porcupine
  • The stonefish is mimeticzed with the environment

    The stonefish is mimeticzed with the environment

Reviews (5)

Luke November 12th, 2013 - 7:04:
Great site ! Love the wreck. This wreck is not to deep with decent viz and alot of life which is always a treat. I am a fan of wrecks and have dove alot. This is a fav because it is shallow and easy to dive the whole wreck
Marc March 1st, 2013 - 12:31:
The sugar ship is a great site for wreck diving in the Perhentian Islands. A bit far from the coast, about 30 min by boat from any dive center, and sometimes with shacky waters, but is deffinetely worth. Usually visibility is not that good, as usual in wrecks, but is full of life, and penetration is very easy through the cargo bays. Really recommended!
Michael November 23rd, 2012 - 14:19:
One of the best wrecks being that it is only 18 meters deep and full of marine life. The viz can sometimes be poor near the bottom of the boat with a silty bottom. There are the original cargo doors about 20 meters away from the rutter away from the backside, Bamboo sharks are there and coral cat sharks are near the cargo door openings hiding away. There is an air pocket in the cargo door that is easily accessible even though most shops will not let divers do so. When viz is good, can see the entire ship from the surface. Must see if you go to Perhentian.
Suzanne November 9th, 2012 - 19:03:
Sugar Wreck (not Sugarship Wreck as in the title) is a beautiful site and one of my favourites in the Perhentians. Its original name is MV Union Star. Dive companies tend to charge an extra 10 ringgit per person to cover petrol costs for accessing this site as it is about a 20-30 minute boat-ride away from the islands... but it's not much money and completely worth it. Max depth is about 20-21m at high tide, but the highest point of the ship is only 6m below the surface, giving divers a very good indication of visibility & current before even entering the water. It also means the safety stop is unusually pleasant for a wreck dive, as there is still lots to see on this upper surface of the ship (yellow boxfish, stonefish, scorpionfish, silver batfish etc etc), and the views down into enormous schools of barracuda, snapper and wide-jaw mackerel are sensational. Due to its location in the shipping lane, conditions can vary widely, from 2m vis & fairly strong current, to 18m+ and no current at all. The position of the ship means that if there is current divers can be sheltered from it on one side of the boat (the most interesting side, the deck, is usually sheltered). Beware of lionfish at both ends of the ship, and of scorpionfish (especially near or just after the big tyre near the cargo doors). Bamboo sharks can be found hiding in the metal of the cargo hold entrance. When there's little or no current it is worth heading out to the cargo doors, which are away from the ship itself and a hangout for cuttlefish etc. There is an airpocket inside the cargo hold - if you MUST go into it, don't take your reg out... the air in there is very stale! While in the cargo hold, look out for the 3 great barracuda (1.5m+) who dwell high up near the compartment divider in the middle.
Sergio September 11th, 2010 - 0:29:
The sugar ship is a great site for wreck diving in the Perhentian Islands. A bit far from the coast, about 30 min by boat from any dive center, and sometimes with shacky waters, but is deffinetely worth. Usually visibility is not that good, as usual in wrecks, but is full of life, and penetration is very easy through the cargo bays. Really recommended!

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