Chumphon Pinnacle

Koh Tao, Thailand

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Dive Chumphon Pinnacle

Big Fishes Deep Sharks

Chumphon Pinnacle is a widely regarded as KOh Tao´s best dive site. It´s one huge pinnacle that starts from 30 mtr, and goes up to 14mtr. There is a separate smaller pinnacle, Barracuda Rock (located to the south west) wich is also definitely worth a visit. Enjoy Koh Tao´s premier deep dive site.
Things to see: Whale shark, Giant grouper, Great barracuda, Lionfish, Scorpionfish, pink anemonist, Batfish shoals...

  • Chumphon

  • 26597

  • Sharks

  • Bat Fish

    Bat Fish

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Reviews (5)

Kimberly January 7th, 2014 - 1:09:
I Love this site! You almost always can see some cobia, which look like sharks, and they hang around in packs of half a dozen. Tons of barracuda, usually near barracuda rock. Lots of groupers near the bottom. Should not miss this site!
Chris November 25th, 2013 - 21:02:
A great spot where whale sharks are often encountered in seasonbut still a great spot, less crowded and where the flora and fauna is very rich after this hour long journey, an advice : go as earlier as you can !
Maxime August 30th, 2013 - 4:13:
Chumphon Pinnacle, true said one of Koh Tao's nicest dive sites, though cause of the intensenty of the fishing industry around the gulf of Thailand, this said it stays a nice diving site depending on the time of years, good chances to see, schooling Chevron Barracuda's, Cobia (near Barracuda rock at around 30-35m), Lionfish, schools of Fusiliers, Big Eye Trevally, Rainbow Runners... and of course the beautiful gentle giant, the whale shark.
Antoine March 21st, 2013 - 4:01:
I dove around 40 times in Chumpnon, awesome dive site, with cobia, barracuda, whale shark if you are lucky :) Excellent for deep dive spec, bring your camera and be ready to dive in an awesome divesite
Adam February 17th, 2013 - 7:20:
Iv been diving here for over 3 years now. Whilst it is a good dive site at the moment its lacking its charm, as minimal visits from sharks. There are still a fair few barracuda there and large groupers, buzzing with life more so a the top of the reef. Good dive site shame the fishermen caught too much in the past years though.

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