Aow Luek

Koh Tao, Thailand

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Dive Aow Luek

Ambiance Reef

Aow Leuk is a lovely shallow and sheltered bay. Its perfect for snorkeling and entry level as well as being bright and colourful for underwater photographers. Its one of the few places that you can see lion fish and juvenile black tip sharks too. There is a conservation clam project in the bay and some artificial structures to explore too.
Among many fish, it is possible to find scorpionfish on on the rocks close to the sand, really big Clams with diferent colors, stingrays, angelfishes, trigger fish, etc.

  • Banner Fish

    Banner Fish
  • Butterfly Fish

    Butterfly Fish
  • PolkaDot Nudibranch

    PolkaDot Nudibranch

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