Candi Dasa, Bali

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Since September 2015, diving.DE offers diving in proven diving.DE quality also in Indonesia! In the tranquil town of Candidasa (sometimes also spelled Candi Dasa) on Bali’s east coast and far away from the hustle and bustle of Kuta, there is the beautiful Candi Beach Resort & Spa – home of the brand-new diving.DE dive centre.

The entire dive centre has been built just recently and is located directly at the waterfront, conveniently placed between both swimming pools and restaurants of the resort. It is not only the place to meet in order to go diving, but also to enjoy a delightful drink afterwards.

Your holidays start right after arrival at the recently built modern and breezy Ngurah Rai Airport (airport-code: DPS) of Denpasar. We are happy to organise your transfer in a comfortable air-conditioned limousine, be it from the airport (which is only about 50 km away) or any other part of Bali.

You prefer short and walkable distances? You will love our house reef, regardless whether you plan a shallow night dive within the well-protected lagoon or a drift dive right outside. Our lagoon – situated between the beach and the reef - is suited perfectly for courses and try-dives (conditions permitting).

As divers, protecting the underwater environment is a natural cause for us. We thus do not wear gloves or carry knifes during dives, but also organize clean-ups on the beaches or our dive sites regularly. Sustainability is key! Building our dive centre, we used recycled wood wherever possible. And thanks to its open structure, we are able to minimize artificial lights and can even do without air-conditioning – saving electricity and valuable resources. We also do recycle the water of the rinsing pool by passing it into the resort’s purification plant, where it will be cleared, filtered and re-used for watering the gardens.

Our dive centre diving CANDIDASA offers all that you would expect from an international and trust-worthy dive operator. Due to our experience in operating dive centres since 1999 we know the needs of divers and are able to provide professional services to our valued customers.

a large and lockable storage for our customers
hanging compartments for glasses etc.
showers and changing rooms
a large fresh-water rinsing tank
specious dry room for your equipment
a cosy bar where divers can meet and have a fresh fruit juice or a beer after diving
new and complete rental equipment from Scubapro
an experienced and multi-lingual team

breezy classroom and up-to-date training technologies
a little shop with spare parts and our latest diving fashion
compressor-room which we are happy to show you
facilities for small repair works
our office where you’ll get answers to all your questions
air-conditioned, modern vehicles for all transfers
plenty of ideas for things to do as well as bars and restaurants in Candidasa

Your safety comes first! We therefore always take our first-aid boxes and emergency oxygen on our dive trips. Each divemaster has his own box and will check it before each tour starts. This way we ensure to be equipped for First Aid in the unlikely event of an emergency. Using mobile phones, we will be able to call for assistance in any situation. Like in all diving.DE dive centres, all our staff is trained in first aid. All dive masters and instructors are equipped with a pocket-mask and a drift line is always on board.

Planning our trips, we do not only consider the weather forecasts, but also check the tide calender. Prior to the dive, our experienced guides - and the boat captain - will evaluate the conditions and decide whether we can dive at this dive site or have to go to another, more sheltered one.

As currents can be unpredictable and rather strong – water masses have to flow through the Indonesian islands between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean – diving CANDIDASA requires all its divers to carry a surface marker buoy (SMB) on all dives. That means that not only your dive guide will carry a SMB, but even you yourself.
All our rental BCDs are equipped with SMBs and whistles. Divers, who do not own a SMB yet, may rent or buy one at our shop. Please do let us know in case you would like to know how to apply a SMB and we will be happy to demonstrate and practise it with you.

It is nearly impossible to describe the impressions that the underwater world reveals to its visitors. Feeling nearly weightless and the thrill of breathing while completely submerged in the nature’s widest habitat will thoroughly – and positively – influence your further life.

Learning how to dive is fun! And it is easier than you probably think. In our dive centre, we train according to the standards of both, SSI and PADI, the world's leading diving associations. No matter which one of the two organisations you choose, as a diver with a SSI or PADI certification you will be welcomed by all dive centres around the globe!

Practical information
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  • PADI OWD / AOWD / Rescue
  • PADI Divemaster
  • SSI Courses
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Dive Agencies:
  • PADI
  • SSI
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Equipment Rental:
  • Recreational diving gear
  • Dive computer rental
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Diving available:
  • Shore Diving
  • Boat Diving
  • Full day Safari
  • Deep Diving
  • Nitrox Diving
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  • Dive shop - Equipment for sale
  • Non-Diving activities
  • Pickups from hotels
  • Showers
  • Changing Room
  • Swimming Pool
  • Classroom
  • Wifi Available
  • Free Wifi Available
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  • 2
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  • English
  • German
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Bahasa Indonesia
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  • Full range of courses according to SSI and PADI
  • from Try Dive all the way to Divemaster. We also offer diving programs for kids (PADI Bubble Maker and Seal Team). Please check our website at www.diving.DE for the latest price list - or send us an email
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Payment Methods:
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Other Methods
More information about diving CANDIDASA

Mitten im Zentrum der besten Tauchgebiete Bali’s liegt der ruhige, beschauliche Ort Candidasa (gelegentlich auch Candi Dasa geschrieben), fern ab vom Party-Rummel und Massentourismus des Südens. Die Tauchbasis „diving CANDIDASA“ liegt am westlichen Ende Candidasa’s im traumhaften 4* Candi Beach Resort & Spa. Das Resort empfängt seine Gäste mit typisch balinesischer Gastfreundschaft und Herzlichkeit. Die Tauchbasis selbst wurde 2015 komplett neu gebaut und befindet sich direkt am Strand, inmitten der beiden Pools und des Restaurants. Dadurch hat man kurze Wege und die Entspannung beginnt somit direkt nach der Ankunft. Als Teil der bekannten diving .DE Familie bietet „diving CANIDASA“ dieselbe hohe Qualität und denselben Service wie alle anderen diving .DE Basen. Die freundlichen Guides und Mitarbeiter stehen jederzeit gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, bauen das Equipment der Gäste zusammen, spülen es nach dem Tauchen fachmännisch und verwahren es im Trockenraum. Bali bietet alles, was ein Taucher sich nur wünschen kann. Ideale Ausbildungsbedingungen für Anfänger ebenso wie aufregende Tauchgänge für erfahrene Taucher, angenehme Temperaturen am Land wie unter Wasser, eine intakte Unterwasserwelt, häufig sehr gute Sichtweiten sowie bezaubernde Motive für Fotografen. Und egal, ob man sich eher für Makro-Tauchen und die kleinen, zum Teil bizarr anmutenden Meeresbewohner interessiert, oder sich auf Begegnungen mit Haien, Mantas und Mondfischen freut – die rund 40 Tauchspots, die diving CANDIDASA standardmäßig anfährt, verzaubern mit Sicherheit jeden. Die Unterwasserlandschaft der Tauchplätze ist sehr vielfältig und abwechslungsreich: Steilwände, bunte Korallengärten, Sandflächen (sehr häufig schwarzer Vulkansand – ein toller Kontrast zu den bunten Hart- und Weichkorallen), Höhlen, Wracks, geschützte Buchten oder kleine Inseln sind nur einige der zahlreichen Besonderheiten. Freunde von Strandtauchgängen kommen auf Bali ebenso auf ihre Kosten wie diejenigen, die lieber vom Boot aus abtauchen. diving CANDIDASA bietet selbstverständlich die komplette Palette an Tauchkursen an. Die Ausbildung findet hauptsächlich nach SSI Standards statt. Ausbildung nach PADI wird auf Wunsch parallel angeboten. Von Programmen für die ganz Kleinen ab 10 Jahren über ein breites Spektrum an Spezialkursen bietet diving CANDIDASA auch die Möglichkeit der Ausbildung bis zum Dive Master – dem ersten Profi-Level im Tauchsport. Neben den auf hohem Niveau stattfindenden Tauchkursen stehen natürlich die Tauchaktivitäten für bereits brevetierte Taucher im Vordergrund. Die täglich angebotenen Halb- und Ganztagestouren rund um Candidasa und Padang Bai werden durch Ausfahrten nach Amed, Kubu und Tulamben (hier liegt nur wenige Meter vom Ufer entfernt das Wrack der USAT LIBERTY, ein toller Platz auch zum Schnorcheln) ergänzt. Und auch die nur ca. 40 Bootsminuten südlich von Bali gelegenen Inseln Nusa Lembongan und Nusa Penida, bekannt für beinahe regelmäßige Sichtungen von Mantas und Mondfischen (Mola Mola), werden regelmäßig mit Speedbooten angefahren. Abgerundet wird das Angebot von diving CANDIDASA durch die Zugehörigkeit zum Basenverbund „diving . DE“. Alle Taucher, die anhand des Logbuchs oder einer Rechnung belegen können schon mal auf einer der diving .DE Basen getaucht zu sein, bekommen 10 % Ermäßigung auf die Tauchgänge. So einfach kann sparen sein… diving CANDIDASA Candidasa (or Candi Dasa) is located right in the heart of Bali's best dive spots, far off the loud and busy party places and the mass-tourism of the south. The dive centre "diving CANDIDASA" is based inside the wonderful 4* Candi Beach Resort & Spa, which welcomes its guests with typical Balinese hospitality. The dive centre has been built in 2015 conveniently in the centre of the resort, laying in between both restaurants and main pools, thus distances are short and relaxation starts right after having checked in. Being part of the diving . DE family, “diving CANIDASA" offers the same high level of service and quality as all the other diving .DE dive centres. The friendly staff and guides happily assist with questions and requests, set up the diving equipment of the guests and rinse and store it properly after each dive in the dry room. Bali has lots to offer for divers! Ideal conditions for try dives and beginners as well as exciting dive sites for more experienced divers, warm temperatures above and below water, an unspoiled underwater world, usually very good visibility and fascinating motives for underwater photographers. And no matter whether you prefer muck diving and the quest for rare and sometimes bizarre-looking creatures, or look forward to encountering sharks, manta rays and mola molas (ocean sunfish) – among the roughly 40 dive sites, that diving CANDIDASA visits there will be plenty of dive spots that will blow your mind. The underwater topography of the dive sites multifaceted and diverse, offering drop-offs, colourful coral gardens, patches with black volcanic sand (which forms a great contrast against the soft- and hard corals), caves and caverns, wrecks, protected bays or small islands and pinnacles – and so much more! diving CANDIDASA offers the full range of dive courses and dive educations according to SSI standards. Starting with courses for children (10 years or more) and a wide range of specialty courses all the way to Divemaster – the first PRO level. PADI courses are available upon request, too. Next to diving educations, diving CANDIDASA is specialized on offering dive trips for certified divers, offering both full- and half-day tours to Candidasa, Padang Bai, Amed, Tulamben or Kubu etc. But also Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida, both famous for the frequent spotting of mola mola and manta rays, can be reached within approximately 40 minutes by speedboat. Repeating customers of ANY diving .de dive centre (a stamp or invoice are proof enough) will get a 10% discount on their dives. https://youtu.be/6ul6hM54a-U

  • Excellent makro and muck diving at diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien

    Excellent makro and muck diving at diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien
  • Sponge & bubbles diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien

    Sponge & bubbles diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien
  • Ocean Sunfish - or Mola Mola - are frequently seen at Gili Mimpang and Gili Tepekong, just minutes away from our dive centre at diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien

    Ocean Sunfish - or Mola Mola - are frequently seen at Gili Mimpang and Gili Tepekong, just minutes away from our dive centre at diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien
  • Logo diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien

    Logo  diving CANDIDASA diving.DE tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien
  • Manta Mania at Manta Point (Nusa Penida) - one of our frequent dive sites_diving.de diving CANDIDASA tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien

    Manta Mania at Manta Point (Nusa Penida) - one of our frequent dive sites_diving.de diving CANDIDASA tauchen tauchschule bali candidasa indonesien

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