Dive in Djerba

Diving packages in Djerba


You want to be professional with PADI !!!The minimum age of this level is 18 years and. You need 3 or 4 weeks to do this level. Equipment and certificat included.
1 903 $ More Information


For one person. All equipment included, it must be booked 24 hours in advance. The maximal Depth is 4m and the transportation from the hotel is included.

Adventure Diver

You want to continue with PADI, and you don't have time you can do this level. You must have Open Water Diver minimum age : 10 years Duratioon : 2 days Certificate included

10 Dives

10 dives, 1 personminimum,all equipment included. It must be booked 24 hours in advance. The maximal Depth is 40m. The transportationfrom the hotel is included.

3 Dives

3 dives, 1 person minimum, all equipment included.It must be booked 24 hours in advance. The maximal Depth is 27m.The transportation from the hotel is included.

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