Diving packages in Pulau Perhentian Besar
4 fun dives + 3 nights full board accommodation in Perhentian Islands
This package includes four fun dives (boat dives) including equipment + 3 nights with full board accommodation(breakfast, lunch and dinner) in a Standard Aircon room.
Alu Alu Divers has been awarded the SSI Instructor Training Facility rating and SSI Ecological Dive Centre, this means we offer you the highest levels of customer care and attention while adhering to SSI's highest standards. We are…
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Watercolors front by Watercolours Dive Centre
The Resort by Perhentian Island Resort
fishes by Watercolours Dive Centre
Alu Alu logo by Alu Alu Divers
Logo by Watercolours Dive Centre
Flora Bay Logo by Flora Bay Divers