Dive in Colorado


    Aurora Resevior Aurora Resevior, USA

    Aurora Resevior is over what was formerly a U.S. Air Force gunnery range, so there is the *very* occassional ordinance to be found.This is not even remotely likely, but keep an eye on your compass while down there.The vis is ok if you're the first ones in after some time.The bottom is mud, loaded…

    Downtown Aquarium Downtown Aquarium, USA

    This site is excellent to introduce people to diving. You are guaranteed to see fish. It is weather proof, extremely safe and exciting to almost all divers. It is possible to dive with sharks or if that is not what you want you can dive with fish.

    Horsetooth Reservoir Horsetooth Reservoir, USA

    King Fisher Ponds King Fisher Ponds, USA

    It's a good sizes lake , It's not very deep ... It's does not need to be deep , Because you are at att. you will need your tables! Ok the north side of the lake is a cool dive. The south side is a little more of a risk ..... Lots of concert pipe and Re-bar !! There ia a small boat on the north side…