Dive in Naxos


    Beaufighter Naxos, Greece

    WWII British light bomber.

    Marianna Naxos, Greece

    On 24th July 1981 the cargo ship Marianna with capacity 2.999 freight tons filled with barley, iron sheets, water pipes ? irrigation and fertilizers collided with a reef, now known as Amara, filled with water and sank. The 24 people whom comprised the crew evacuated safely. The ship had been…

    Moulas Naxos, Greece

    The ship was about 30m in length while the width was approximately 7m. It had an iron frame and timber paneling and was brass plated. That which remains until today is a significant amount of the iron skeleton and there also exists a few of the wooden panels that had been destroyed by Teredinidae…

    Stephen's reef Naxos, Greece

    Swimthrough reef Naxos, Greece

    Places of interest: Canyons, bluish swimthroughs, wide arches, lots of parrotfish, nunfish, corals, lobsters, moray eels, a British anchor is laying at 18m and parts of unidentified shipwrecks.