Wall dive culminating in a big cave encrusted with sponges. Rays, sharks, groupers, turtles, morays, barracudas and lobsters are common and if you are lucky you'll see dolphins.
Situated at the end of Rata's Channel, this island is bathed by the outside sea clear stream. The big caves/lairs are the main attraction.Situada no final do canal da Rata, esta ilha ? banhada pelas correntes claras do oceano. As grandes cavernas s?o a principal atra??o.
The main attractions of this place are the frequent encounters with sharks and the island¥s largest coralline formation.As atraÁ?es principais s„o os frequentes encontros com tubar?es e as formaÁ?es de corais.
Two steam boats used around the 1940?s compose the scenery of steel structures and lots of marine life. This spot is also a great option for snorkelling and night diving.Dois navios a vapor de cerca de 1940 comp?e o cen?rio das estruturas de a?o e muita vida marinha. Tamb?m ? uma boa op??o para…
Pedras Secas dive site, its name means dry stones in Portuguese. Is an arena like formation, surrounded by small passages and small caverns and cracks in the rocks. The local divemaster will guide you through the best parts of the site and will always call your attention to the wonders that come…
Ressureta is sought for the drift dive it offers. Its cracks harbour is rich of marine life, like sharks.Ressureta proporciona mergulho de correntes marinhas (fracas). Os abrigos de rochas e corais s„o ricos em vida marinha, inclusive tubar?es.