The mountain of Scilla

Scilla, Calabria

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Dive The mountain of Scilla

Ambiance Big Fishes

Huge conical rocky monolith on a sandy bottom, surrounded by boulders and rocks.

Visibility generally good, often excellent, put up stanchions and currents of the Strait scendenti (need for guides).

The rock is completely covered with yellow sea fans and red, very showy with their intense colors. Between their branches live anemones, alcionari, madrepores and tunicates. On the bottom does not go unnoticed splendid examples of cerianthus from large.

The fauna is well represented by grouper, bream, scorpion fish and red benches anthias rents, as well as sea urchins, starfish, moray eels and nudibranchi. In particular times and conditions can meet the anglerfish, the St. Peter's fish and fish trombetta

  • 31209


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