Spiegel Grove

Keys, Florida

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Dive Spiegel Grove

Deep Wreck

Spiegel Grove sunk June 10, 2002. This is the largest ship ever sunk intentionally to be an artificial reef, and probably the most well known.

Vessel size:

- length: 510 feet

- type: U.S. Navy Landing Ship Dock

- tonnage: 6,880 tons

It takes at least two dives to have a look of the wreck. The Spiegel is an excellent Nitrox dive, especially on double tank dives!

In July of 2005, Hurricane Dennis forced the former USS Spiegel Grove onto her keel, right-side-up, which was the position originally intended when she was sunk. It is an amazing dive. Great areas for advanced and limited penetration. This wreck offers something for everyone multiple times. You could dive it 10 times and not see everything.

  • 28522


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