Shark Point

Gili Trawangan, Gili Islands

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Dive Shark Point

Big Fishes Deep Sharks Drift

Shark Point east of Gili Trawangan is a popular dive spot in the mornings. This dive site consists of different levels (24m, 20m, 18m); it starts with a slope out of hard and soft corals, the "native country" of green and hawksbill turtles.

The different levels are sandy areas with small coral blocks - the variety is very big starting with schools of trevally, napoleon fish over white tip reef sharks and rays in the sandy areas... ending up with ribbon eels, leaf fishes and even mantas.

Because of its depth and the sometimes very strong currents, it is a dive for advanced divers.

  • Baby Turtle at Shark Point

    Baby Turtle at Shark Point

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Reviews (1)

tommaso May 9th, 2013 - 10:51:
Shark Point east of Gili Trawangan is a popular dive spot in the mornings. This dive site consists of different levels (24m, 20m, 18m); it starts with a slope out of hard and soft corals, the "native country" of green and hawksbill turtles. The different levels are sandy areas with small coral blocks - the variety is very big starting with schools of trevally, napoleon fish over white tip reef sharks and rays in the sandy areas... ending up with ribbon eels, leaf fishes and even mantas. Because of its depth and the sometimes very strong currents, it is a dive for advanced divers.

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