San Luciano wreck

Manzanillo Bay, Central Pacific

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Dive San Luciano wreck


The San Luciano is a 300-foot-long steam vessel, sunk during the hurricane of 1959.

This wreck is home of many sea horses and marine sea life. This is a great dive site for snorkelling (the top of the wreck is only 4 ft. beneath the surface).

  • picture of the ship from the beach

    picture of the ship from the beach
  • 25347

  • spiny puffers :)

    spiny puffers :)
  • picture of the ship from the beach

    picture of the ship from the beach

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Reviews (1)

Jonathan March 15th, 2013 - 17:18:
its very rare to have a ship like this to be so shalow that the deck is only in 4ft of water and yet still worth the dive. it being right on shore makes for a great beach :) and i like to think of it as a puffer city from spiny puffers to smooth puffers and if your into nudibranch theres many diffrent species !

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