Roca Partida

Socorro Island, Central Pacific

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Dive Roca Partida

Big Fishes Deep Sharks

Only 35m/115ft high and 92m/300ft long. It's the smallest of the Revillagigedo Islands. The site attracts pelagics and huge schools of jacks and tuna.

Descend down the wall into deep water and explore around ridges that are home to groups of sleeping whitetip sharks. Depending on the current, you can dive around the pinnacle a few times just wait in one area and watch the cool stuff swim by.

Look out for schools of hammerheads, whitetip sharks, Galapagos sharks, silky sharks, giant manta rays, dolphins, or maybe even a whaleshark or humpback whale if you're lucky!

  • Silvertip Shark

    Silvertip Shark

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